Monday 1 October 2012


Applications that were previously impossible. Please note all this and think on it.One of the greatest challenges for German submarines during World War II and that the Allied forces had greatly assisted the reality is that the submarine on the surface, had to recharge their batteries. This made them vulnerable. Now fast forward to today, most diesel submarines remains the challenge, and even AUV, or autonomous underwater vehicles have the same challenge. Many of these AUVs are solar energy, and they must be very close to the surface or to the surface. Well, maybe that will change?

If we now add the sensors to compliment organic bio, for example, the eye may also have infrared sensors, eyes "Bionic" type, frequency and see, then the individual would have a greater participation to meet too, and have a different experience, yet always in the same environment - that person "know" or more "know" differently because of the perceived value available?

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