Friday 12 October 2012

Networking in the Shark Tank

Term "networking" in today's market, how often to carry around? "I have a network where?" "How strong is your network?" And, my all-time favorite, "What is your favorite social network?" Let's face it, the word is a bit out of the game!

If you are in the market for a new life or new customers, you probably networking goals, create a new contact to defend the introduction of a key decision maker, or a growing company to set up an information interview.

But you're networking action is a critical piece missing: "'Best' dialog is new this is an example of a" what's describing an outline class best "dialog, how effective our message can contact the TV show Shark Tank? Your unique value to the network critical why a large examples.

Full disclosure, I know what my 10 year old on this show (can you say you are waiting for the entrepreneur?) Two months ago it was all about me not to come back.
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