Sunday 29 July 2012

Product Ideas Inventions

Monopolization of free trade and competition, that prevents degrading of our economy due to the monopolization of trade on which our government frowns,. A good example is the telephone number of the regional Bell telephone companies a few years ago, the brake force. Government, particularly the Department of Justice (monopoly or "antitrust" prosecutes violations of the state company), believed that the Bell telephone monopoly and an unfair monopoly on power in the telephone industry was forced to abandon.

Why, then, the government should not allow patents to be in the form of a monopoly? The government makes an exception to encourage branding to come forward with their work. In so doing, the government actually encourages scientific and technological advances.

First, it should be clear to you how to work a patent for a "monopoly." Using the patented product or process patent by the patent owner to allow anyone else block. Thomas Edison and his most famous invention of the patent, I think the light bulb. His patented light bulb, Thomas Edison, or his permission to use manufacture, sales of light bulbs can prevent any other person or organization. Essentially, a light bulb in any business he could not compete, so he had a monopoly.

However, to obtain a monopoly, Thomas Edison must give something in return. The public with his discovery of his "release" is required.

An American patent, an invent fully Discovery How it works, what you have to disclose, and it.It to the inventor, known best as a monopoly.The logic to the inventor the right it to the public disclosure of this trust, inventors, public their disclosures, rather than a monopoly, inventors continue to develop new technologies and the public that they are struggling to express. The discovery allows them to profit from providing them with monopoly money. A patent as an inventor of hard work the inventor, nor of him that they trade while trying their discovery is stolen any funds reward.Fearing and because this is not "transfer", the new technologies to improve some concessions must be the discovery of a soul to tell, and public will benefit.

This is not the case, and patent monopolies lasted indefinitely are filed.If 20 years after the expiration of a patent under the patent rights for a limited grant period.Utility lasting, severe consequences will be. A light bulb Thomas Edison in them - Force held a patent, for example, we'll probably buy a light bulb for about $ 300 to pay today.Without competition, Edison's less incentive to improve on his light bulb.

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