Wednesday 22 August 2012

African American Inventors

He could have added fortune to fameThe invention of agriculture. Technology revolutionized farming in many parts of the United States.

Many experts consider Benjamin Banneker invent African American first blazed the path of the invention that will be followed later by many Americans of African Banneker personality multi-faceted as he. is not just an inventor. But the leading light of the anti-slavery movement. He remembered that he had taken out of farmers Almanac credited with creating the first pocket watch the sky some wood and predicted on the basis of his own calculations. Interestingly, he did all this through self-study. He died in 1806.

Madame CJ Walker was an African American woman who is famous as the U.S. cosmetics industry.

IBM PC. He has been involved in the development of chip 1 GHz, which is phenomenal capacity. There is a long list of African American inventor who, in the words of Walker himself began to move ahead of others.

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