Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Experience of Financial Markets Regulation

Financial system can not be effective without an adequate regulatory framework. For the financial system to be effective and promote a healthy economic development, it is important to put in place the legal and institutional framework. Strategies and methods are generally considered by experts for the development of the financial system. Two strategies are commonly considered the "evolution" and how "aggressive" Other experts have made the difference between a "go slow" with a "big bang" approach.
Proactive strategies to speed up the legal framework and regulatory risks through the development of financial markets and financial institutions to set up a mechanism for making this. This strategy is the right approach for developing countries in Africa and elsewhere for three main reasons.

    Neutral incentive environment and market forces are sufficiently strong enough for financial markets to develop on their own.
    Lack of capacity building institutions to determine the speed and strength of the financial markets.
    Must have the flexibility to use the most efficient institutions to set up the necessary infrastructure and training options of technology suited to local conditions and level of development.

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