Tuesday 21 August 2012

businesses operate

Remember that even a "teen" failed to statistics, SBA, 90% of small businesses fail within the first five years. Many businesses will not produce enough income because business owners do not have. "Business-wise." They may be excellent in specific counseling treatment Programming, website design copywriting, etc., or they have a good product. , But insightful about the "business" of the business, they will not!

In the past five years of my business, not the customer. (Including those who have been in business for over 10 years) provided me with a business plan for review. Not a one! 100 customers have two marketing plans. But the plan does not work without a business plan and focus on the other types of errors (95%) who I see. (And help my clients to right) is available at very low pricing as a way to get their market share and new customers. So low in fact that potential buyers will recognize the service or product that is cheap and of low quality, even in the years of service and expertise. No one wants to hire a business that is cheap! Affordable - yes; Affordable - yes; The - no, no, no!

Please visit our http://daymondjohn.com/ for information on how to buy a business

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