Saturday 18 August 2012

Brand as an Intellectual Property

Globalization is a set of profound material changes that affect the relationship between society in the last few decades. Features that can identify any of these are material changes to evidence in the development and growth of the satellite, web, technology, fiber optic, the broadband multi-national corporations and the emergence of the WTO. world

their products. This is necessary for them to have their identity by creating a brand by brand building and management to create value. While the expansion and new markets; Development, promotion and marketing efforts by the trade mark is different for different countries are becoming costlier countries the trademark is known to increase the value and even greater need to protect the same. By registering in the world of it. Registration of the trademarks associated with higher costs but also limit the time to register the same in all countries.

Internet has become an integral part of not only. But the market economy. But also because of their relative market share, and publish a system of signals to control meaning and language is the best response function of the different.

Visit our website : for more information branding consultant

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