Saturday 18 August 2012

Building a Strong Brand

In general, customers have an emotional connection with your brand in a good way. Before them is a product (or company) to let them have a relationship with them as they are real people. Sometimes they experience the full range of emotions when they interact with the brand, and sometimes even talk about the brand, as they will be a great Apple Mac users fall into this group.

Second, customers can be part of a group that shares common bonds and other brands Harley Davidson and BMW motorcycle customers fall into this group as well as their use of many software companies.

For most technologists and scientists. But this emotional branding is just too warm and fuzzy, especially with products that meet most of the work, most companies find it very difficult to have a system to build. an emotion. They also find it challenging if not impossible, to measure and monitor the connection of these emotions when they do occur.

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