Sunday 19 August 2012

Corporate Branding Marketing

To illustrate this point, just compare the book value of companies compared to their fair value (market value) over the years it has become clear that intangible assets are driving value creation for shareholders. Studies conducted more than 20 years, Russell 3000 companies found to have the contrast that did not exist, if in the year 1978, 95% of the value of the company is clear from the beginning of the 2000s, that proportion. reduced to about 15% of other studies conducted in the S & P-500 index companies and among the 350 largest companies. Cap-listed in London, the FTSE delivered similar results - 70% to 75% of the companies' order books can not be explained by their

Take a look at a specific company. In the case of Disney, 70% of its value can not be explained through the draft. For Heinz, the ratio increased to 85%, and for Microsoft, 98% of Coca Cola as a ratio of 80% is coming from where? Intangible assets, most of the brand.

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