Saturday 18 August 2012

Your Brand for Profit

When all of these channels will be aligned and delivered in a consistent and positive experience for your customers, you can achieve high efficiency brand. When these channels fail to deliver the brand promise and brand performance to decrease. When performance has a direct impact on customer satisfaction and retention, the willingness to buy direct costs required to repair or rework, and in the overall finance will be a major power. in the human and financial capital will be redirected to address the shortcomings. On the performance of the brand is high, then all the systems and people in the company can focus most of their energy to serve customers better, innovative solutions and creative dance moves to the bottom line.

Business generally think that their marketing departments to communicate their brand through advertising and promotional literature. While these are important, they are just a small part of the totality of communication and interaction with the overall customer experience. Of course, if this was an attempt only to be used in communications and brand identity and build brand loyalty, then, by definition, is inconsistent with all other communications contained in this company will result in new sources of. inconsistent communication ("noise"), add new charges to overcome them, and reduces the return on investment in the development of a brand identity for the first time. It is clear that the brand should be defined and measured in all communication systems, as well as reward and recognition system to encourage employee behavior in line with the brand.

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